Sketchware part : 3 : DESIGINING OUR APP

Designing is only about how the app looks, the UI. In order to be become a expert you need to learn
three diffrent topics- WIDGETS ,LAYOUTS , PROPERTY.


Widgets are a collection of different functionalities that serve different purposes. For example, a TextView is a widget that shows text value on the screen, and an ImageView is a widget that renders an image. To place the widgets, simply drag and drop the widget to the mobile screen . In the next part we will be learning to use each and every widget along with their properties.


Each widget comes with different properties. For example, a TextView will come with properties like text size and text color, and an ImageView will come with the image property. These properties can be found on the bottom after you place a widget.In the next part we will be learning about each properties



By default, widgets are placed vertically on the screen. By mixing differently oriented layouts, you can change the way widgets are placed on the screen.

You can place widgets horizontally inside the Linear(H) layout and vertically inside the Linear(V) layout. The scroll(h) & Scroll(v) are used  scroll the widgets  and layout inside ScrollView. horizontal scrollview scrolls widgets and layouts horizontally & Vertical ScrollView scrolls vertically.


information and images taken from - 
